The village was founded in 1144 by Alphonse Jourdain, near the castle.
The count named it “Ville-Aimée” or “Isle-Amade” (Villa-Amada, Isla-Amada), a name that was later changed in the in 13th century Latin documents to “Ville-Humide” (Villa-Madida), and finally to ” Villemade ” .
Before the village was founded, the hillock on which it was built was known as the Ile, bathed on the eastern side by a Grand Lac and, on the Tarn and Aveyron sides, by the marshes of the two rivers. A history cradled by the rhythm of water.
Long before the village was built, a Roman town stood on the same spot, on both banks of the Tarn. Destroyed in 407 by the Vandals, only the name “Ville-Vieille” and a few Roman ruins bear witness to the existence of this ancient city, whose site long belonged to the Abbey of Saint Théodard.