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Information for socio-professionals

new products not to be missed
The Tourist Office is committed to its socio-professionals and brings you the latest practical information for you.
Financing solutions

Sustainable tourism fund

The Sustainable Tourism Fund, previously linked to France Relance, will now be linked to Destination France, with a new budget of €70m until 2024.

To find out more

Atout France's calls for expressions of interest (AMI)

  • AMI “Tourism and Sustainable Investment

June 16, 2022 – September 30, 2022. All targets

Atout France: https: //www.atout-france.fr/content/tourisme-durable

Engineering assistance to support the deployment of exemplary projects:

  1. Investments integrating a strong sustainable dimension and strongly structuring the destinations where they will be developed;
  2. Development projects that meet the needs of visitors, professionals, the environment and host communities.
  • Hotels in medium-sized towns

New program from France Tourisme Ingénierie in partnership with Banque des Territoires for towns with populations between 15,000 and 100,000.

Objective: Strengthen the hotel offer in medium-sized towns.

Method: Support for investments to provide medium-sized towns with a range of accommodation capable of attracting international clientele.

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