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Furnished tourist accommodation

Furnished tourist accommodation

Article D. 324-1 of the French Tourism Code defines meublés de tourisme as:
“furnished villas, apartments or studios, for the exclusive use of the tenant, offered for rent to a visiting clientele for a stay characterized by a daily, weekly or monthly rental, and who do not elect domicile there”.

Reception conditions

Furnished tourist accommodation can be rented on a professional or non-professional basis. In both cases, certain obligations must be met.

  • individual accommodation such as furnished villas, apartments or studios
  • for the exclusive use of the tenant
  • without the tenant taking up residence
  • rental by the day, week or month
  • maximum duration of 90 days for the same customer
  • supply of furniture, bedding and kitchen utensils
Declaration at the town hall

Since Law no. 2012-387 of March 22, 2012 on simplifying the law and reducing administrative procedures, Article L. 324-1-1 of the Tourism Code stipulates that persons offering furnished tourist accommodation for rent must make a prior declaration to the town hall of the commune where the furnished accommodation is located, whether or not it is classified.

The declaration must specify

  • the identity and address of the declarant,
  • the address of the furnished accommodation,
  • number of rooms, number of beds,
  • the projected rental period(s).

If any of these details change, a new declaration must be submitted to the town hall (article D. 324-15 of the French Tourism Code).

Rules and taxation

Find all the information you need to rent out your second home (furnished tourist accommodation) on the public service website :

Individual rights

Find all the information you need to know about town hall procedures, regulations and classification.

Furnished tourist accommodation



The Tourist Office of Greater Montauban informs you that the 2024 finance law has modified the rules applicable to unclassified furnished tourist accommodation, but also to classified furnished tourist accommodation


You are a property owner and wish to rent out your property as a furnished tourist accommodation
how can you find your way through the maze of local situations and ensure
the legality of your rental? Here you’ll find all the information you need
you need to know to make your project a success.

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