Img 8962©Img 8962What to seeDiscover nature with your children on the many educational trails of Greater Montauban.
Grab your handlebars and set off by bike along the roads and itineraries of Greater Montauban.Whether on the voie verte or the Aveyron Gorges cycle route, adventure for young and old is guaranteed!Photographe©Photographe|DOMINIQUE VIETAdt82 00166 Bd©Adt82 00166 Bd
HikingA tourist map of the Greater Montauban area, listing all the walks, is available from the Tourist Office.Opening hoursWe are at your service from Monday to Saturday, all day long.RatesDocumentation on family activities is available free of charge from theTourist Office.Bike rentalThe Maison du Vélo welcomes you on the Allées de l’Empereur
Try your hand at fishingto recharge your batteries as a familyFishing coursesfor childrenEquestrian centersfor your children©lafermeduramier (4)©©lafermeduramier (4)Educational farmsfor fun and learning
Img 8992©Img 8992|Ville de MontaubanAlley sculptures4fda7ad9 C7a2 478d 87d3 3fa43fbfb611©4fda7ad9 C7a2 478d 87d3 3fa43fbfb611|Ville de MontaubanStreet art walksActionot Wivisite@montaubantourisme 1 Rotated©Actionot Wivisite@montaubantourisme 1 RotatedAudio tours – WivisitesSans Titre (4)©Sans Titre (4)Coffee and theater eveningVelo©VeloCycling: Winter escapesPatrimoine Randonnees Pr1@montaubantourisme 59©Patrimoine Randonnees Pr1@montaubantourisme 59Enjoy the pleasures of discovery walks and hikesPhoto Generique St Valentin 1©Photo Generique St Valentin 1Romantic and gourmet weekendImg 6248©Img 6248Karaoke nightGmca Manufacture2@manufacture©Gmca Manufacture2@manufactureGo shoppingVillegmca Plagedardus@montaubantourisme 8©Villegmca Plagedardus@montaubantourisme 8Tanning in Lamothe Capdeville©DOMINIQUE VIETCycling in the heart of the South WestAllee De Lempereur Pluie @montauban Tourisme Photoroom©Allee De Lempereur Pluie @montauban Tourisme PhotoroomRainy days!