Mentions LégalesMentions Légales
©Mentions Légales

Terms of use

The site is published by: Greater Montauban Tourist Office

Site design: The site was designed by Raccourci Agency

Site hosting: The site is hosted by OVH

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Code APE 2620Z
VAT NUMBER: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Author’s rights

The rights held by an author over his or her work (whether photographic, pictorial, textual, software, database, etc.) consist of moral rights and economic rights. Moral rights, which are perpetual, enable the author to defend his or her name and work against misrepresentation. Patrimonial (or economic) rights last 70 years after the author’s death, and enable him to profit from his work by reproducing it (by printing, drawing, photography, film, digitization, etc.) or representing it (communication to the public).

Any representation or reproduction of a work made without the consent of the author or his successors in title is unlawful (except under the right of quotation or private copy for family or personal use).

Image rights (photos/videos)

All persons, whatever their notoriety, have an exclusive right to their image (raw or as part of a photographic montage) and its use. They may object to unauthorized use of their image, and may even take legal action.
However, when the image is taken in a public place, it is sufficient to obtain the authorization of the isolated and recognizable person(s).

In exceptional cases, freedom of the press and the right to information also allow the exclusive nature of image rights to be limited. Public figures and celebrities may have their images used for news or historical purposes, in the exercise of their professional activities and with due respect for human dignity.


List of photographers used on these pages: MontaubanTourisme ; VilledeMontauban ; DominiqueViet ; JFaure ; CIAP ; TarnetGaronneTourisme ; Intemporel

Management of social networks

The Tourist Office plays a moderating role on its Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok accounts and as such, we reserve the right to delete messages containing the following elements:

  • Insults towards the structure or other users
  • Messages inciting hatred
  • Discriminatory comments, particularly of a racist or homophobic nature
  • In the case of advertising

The Tourist Office may also hide a comment if it is out of line with the topic in question, and any user who goes against the above principles may be banned from our accounts.

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