René Drouin (1905-1979) was a great gallery owner whose merit has not been sufficiently recognized.
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A personality apart - often not attending his own openings -, an "art spectator" as important as Aimé Maeght, Louis Carré, Denise René, Myriam Prévost (the gallery of France), Pierre Loeb... Freshly arrived in Paris after the War, Michel Ragon, brook jumper and art critic, and Pierre Soulages, young painter from Rodez, long remembered their visits to the large gallery near the hotel Ritz, beautiful neighborhoods for avant-garde painters.
It was a discovery, unique in Paris. Upstairs, the...
It was a discovery, unique in Paris. Upstairs, the...
Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
Site, building totally accessible
Possibility of drop-off in front of the site
Opening times
On 19 March 2025
- 18:00 at 20:00
Spoken languages