Scenography on the square of the Olympe de Gouges Theater©PhilippeColinScenography on the square of the Olympe de Gouges Theater©PhilippeColin
©Scenography on the square of the Olympe de Gouges Theater©PhilippeColin|© Philippe Colin

Autumn letters

literary festival #34
“Nos élans, nos quêtes” with Jakuta Alikavazovic, Sylvain Prudhomme and 80 writers and artists
In November, Montauban lives to the rhythm of Lettres d’automne!
Dernière mise à jour le : 21 October 2024

Guests of honor

Jakuta Alikavazovic & Sylvain Prudhomme

The festival takes over the city’s emblematic cultural venues, offering a rich and varied program: literary encounters, staged readings, shows, concerts, exhibitions, cinema, family events… Literature also takes to the streets of the city center, where the words of guest authors are displayed in calligraphy on shop windows, transforming Montauban into an open-air book!

The 34th edition of the festival will feature two singular voices on the contemporary literary scene, Jakuta Alikavazovic and Sylvain Prudhomme. Surrounded by a host of novelists, essayists and artists gathered around the theme “nos élans, nos quêtes”, they will invite festival-goers to explore a living literature that passionately seeks to decipher the world.

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