A few words about the town
Founded in 1144 by the Count of Toulouse, Montauban is a proud brick city with a tumultuous history! Let yourself be tempted by the gentle way of life typical of the South-West.
Founded in 1144 by the Count of Toulouse, Montauban is a proud brick city with a tumultuous history! Let yourself be tempted by the gentle way of life typical of the South-West.
“Une Chocolatine”: the only valid expression here for a viennoiserie, not to be confused with bread stuffed with chocolate! “Un plâtras”: dish or plate well filled with food “Touiller”: to stir “Un bon peu”: a certain quantity, quite substantial
“Adieu! Adiou!” Salut means hello as well as goodbye. “Un poutou”: a kiss “Avec plaisir!” You’re welcome
“Fait frisquest!” It’s cold! “Quel cagnard!”: What heat! “Marcel, it’s hot today!” The sun’s beating down hard today! “Boudu que calou aujourd’hui!” : It’s hot today! God, it’s hot today! “Cagnas”: big heat, heatwave
“Bringuer”: to party “Ronquer “: to sleep “Bader”: to stand in awe of “Avoir la cagne “: to be lazy, tired “Espanter”: to impress “Mascagner”: to go about things badly and clumsily (especially when tinkering) “Rouméguer – être roumègue”: to grumble, to be a grumbler (oneself) “Saquer”: to put up with (I can’t saquer him)
“I’ve taken a shellacking!” I’ve been fined, I’ve paid too much! “Tranquilou!”: Tranquil! “T’es barjo! T’es fada!”: You’re crazy! “Qu’es aquo?”: What’s that? “Hein?” (a typical southern singing “hein”, not a northern “hein” otherwise we won’t understand you!): What are you saying? “Y’a pas un pélo/peloy!”: Y’a personne ! Y’a pas un chat! “Une poche”: a plastic bag, something to put the shopping in! “Mets les affaires dans la malle”: here it’s not a suitcase but the trunk of the car! “Miladiou!” Oh my God!
“Aller péter”: to go to a place quite far from where you live, or to a place where you don’t want to go “Attention ça pègue, je pègue”: it’s sticky, je pègue means I’m hot and sweaty! “Boudu” or “Boudu con! an expression used to express surprise or annoyance “Etre espanté”: to be impressed, amazed. “Té!” interjection marking the end or beginning of a sentence. “You’ll never guess who I ran into this morning! ” J’ai les pétoches! I’m scared!