Patrimoine Rondpointdestontonsflingueurs@villedemontaubanPatrimoine Rondpointdestontonsflingueurs@villedemontauban
©Patrimoine Rondpointdestontonsflingueurs@villedemontauban

Les Tontons Flingueurs

a montalban heritage
Les Tontons Flingueurs is the cult French film of the 1960s. It marked an entire era and has been passed down from generation to generation thanks to its regular reruns.
The story of the film

Although the film wasn’t shot in the city of Ingres, the phrase “On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban” (“We should never leave Montauban”) will always be remembered. It’s a phrase coined by Lino Ventura that has become a cult favorite, but for the record, director Georges Lautner wanted to highlight a provincial town in three syllables, and his choice fell on our south-western town.

We should never leave Montauban

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