Villes & Pays d'Art & d'Histoire label (since 1992)
The “Ville ou Pays d’art et d’histoire” (City or Country of Art and History) label is awarded to territories, municipalities or groups of municipalities which, aware of the challenges involved in ensuring that local residents take ownership of their architecture and heritage, commit to an active approach to knowledge, conservation, mediation and support for architectural quality and quality of life.
This voluntary approach is reflected in the signing of a “Ville d’art et d’histoire” or “pays d’art et d’histoire” agreement, drawn up in close consultation between the Ministry of Culture and Communication (regional directorates of cultural affairs and the general directorate of heritage) and local authorities. It defines precise objectives and includes a financial component.
The Conseil national des Villes et Pays d’art et d’histoire, set up in 1995, defines the main thrusts of this national policy, which is reflected in the following objectives within the agreements:
- Raise residents’ awareness of their surroundings and encourage quality tourism
- introduce young people to architecture, heritage and urban planning
- Present the town or country in an architecture and heritage interpretation center.
The implementation of these actions requires the creation of an architecture and heritage department. The department is headed by an architecture and heritage coordinator, recruited by competitive examination, who works in conjunction with guide-lecturers.

The Grand Site Occitanie Sud de France label
The LTRC helps to implement the communication aspect of the Grands Sites Occitanie Sud de France policy, which is part of the regional tourism and leisure development plan. The aim of this label is to enhance the economic, tourist and cultural appeal of the region. It also guarantees the international promotion of the destination and enables it to obtain subsidies from the Region.

The label for towns and villages in bloom
The “Villes et Villages Fleuris” label has been around for over 60 years.
It rewards the commitment of local authorities to improving their living environment. It takes into account the place given to plants in the development of public spaces, environmental protection, the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity, the enhancement of France’s botanical heritage, the reclaiming of city centers, tourist appeal and the involvement of citizens at the heart of projects.
The label is a day-to-day support tool for communities wishing to improve the well-being of their residents and preserve the identity of their territories, while developing their living environment.

In 2024, France will be hosting the biggest sporting event on the planet, and Montauban, a land of sports, will be taking part in this exceptional celebration with the “Terre de Jeux 2024” label. Awarded by the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee, the label recognizes the city’s sports policy.
As part of this process, Montauban has also applied to join the official list of Games Preparation Centers, and hopes to welcome foreign delegations for pre-event training. Thanks to the label it has just been awarded, the city of Montauban will be able to share its best practices, allow its citizens to experience unique emotions, enable them to discover sports and, ultimately, give exceptional visibility to its actions thanks to the spotlight of the Games.

Montauban, gourmet city
The “ville gourmande” (gourmet town) label reflects a town’s desire to develop around gastronomy, the wealth of local produce and local specialties. These “gourmet towns” unite producers, craftsmen and shopkeepers around their local products, and tend to raise the quality of service throughout the town.